• WAP in java for sum of two numbers

  • To print hello on console
  • Contains some basic programs in java 

  • WAP in java For Creating Array and Array operations

  • WAP to create a simple class to find out the perimeter of rectangle and box using super and this keyword

  • WAP in java to Check Leap Year
  • Contains some basic java programs 

  • Write a program in java to design a class using abstract method and classes

  • write a program in java to design a class account using inheritance and statis that show all function of bank deposit and withdrawal and generate account number dynamically using scanner class

  • write a program in java to create package that access the member of external class as well as same package

  • wap in java to handle use defined expection using throw keyword using scanner class.

  • Wap to design a string class that perform string methods equal reverse and case sense

  • wap in java to handle exception using try and multiple catch block

  • WAP in java for partial implementation on interface

  • wap in java to draw a line , oval, rectangle and text using graphics method

  • write a program to create arithmetics math calculator using applet class and event handling

  • Custom Exception Handling in Java: Example with Age Validation

  • Demonstrating Java StringTokenizer Constructors and Methods

  • 3. Write a program that will accept command-line arguments and display the same

  • Reading a File Using BufferedReader in Java

  • program for array ascending in java

  • Matrix addition in java

  • Write a program to accept salary data of every month (January to December) from user and calculate the gross salary. (Using parameterized constructor).

  • Displaying transpose of a matrix from user

  • Write a program to find out the HCF and LCM

  • Handling Mouse Events with MouseListener in Java AWT

  • Drawing Shapes and Graphics in Java Applet

  • Demonstrating Thread Priorities in Java Multithreading

  • Calculating the Frequency of Characters in a String in Java

  • To print current Date and Time in java

  • Working with Clock and Duration in Java

  • Handling Mouse Events in Java using MouseListener

  • Write a program to implement getName(), getName(), getPriority(), setPriority(),isAlive(), yield in thread.

  • Write a program that works as a simple calculator. Use a grid layout to arrange buttons for the digits and for the + - X % operations. Add a text field to display the result

  • Write a program to find out the sum of series 1+1/2+1/3+1/4+⋯..+1/N .

  • Write a program to find out the area of circle